Add integration with the Files app

ONLYOFFICE Mobile: Documents

Do you want to: Suggest a feature

Ability to open a file with the official files app add that would greatly increase the level of cloud support

For example, Mega cloud is available to the official MSO Excel app by it being able to open Files and navigate to Mega that already has this integration with Files

Device: iphone 13

OS version: 18

App version: 8.1

Mode: Connect to Cloud via On Device

Hello @esv

Can you please share some more details? Currently, you can open Documents app, go to On iPhone tab, then press + to create/add new file and from there choose option Import File. It will prompt default Files app from which you can import file into the app from any connected cloud.

If it is not quite you are talking about, please provide more details about your suggestion.

I don’t want to import anything since that creates a local copy that is not synchronized with the cloud

Then I don’t quite understand what do you mean here. Do you suggest the same as in this thread?

If not, please elaborate on what kind of integration with Files app you are suggesting, what it is supported to provide.

That thread means you would connect to Mega directly via their APIs

This thread means you’d edit the file in the Files app without creating a copy (and the Files app integrates with Mega, so changes in the Files app end up being updated on the Mega servers)

I see now, thank you. We will discuss this suggestion internally, I’ll keep you posted.

Hello @esv

We have registered an enhancement suggestion to add possibility to open Files app manager in Documents App to edit files from there, including connected resources.

Thank you for your interest.

I made a similar comment in an App Store review. The answer I received didn’t get the point but referred me to this forum. So here is my comment…
This application is far too restrictive: it can only “import” files to make copies in its private space (the app sandbox) and work on the copies, it can’t open existing documents to modify them in-place. This is equally true for documents stored locally on iPad as it is for documents on iCloud (it remains the iCloud container restricted to this application only).
We need to be able to open existing files using the Files app’s file picker, and then modify them without making copies. Collabora Office works this way, so it’s feasible and shouldn’t be a problem: I use Collabora Office on my iPad and LibreOffice on my Mac, and files are synchronized between the two via iCloud Drive (i.e. the Files app on iPad and the Finder on Mac). This isn’t imposing me to use the same app on iPad and Mac, I can use different apps.
As long as OnlyOffice requires everything to be duplicated into its isolated sandbox before we can start working, I won’t be able to use it.
I hope you can make the improvement.

Hello @stephan-s

We appreciate your interest and feedback, I will provide it to devs for more details.

+1 for this request :slight_smile:

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Hello @Simon1

Thanks for your interest. I’ve forwarded your query.