Add external cardDAV/calDAV to workspace/calendar

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I have a radicale server already set up on my computer. i would like to add it here, but it seems there is no option to add a calDAV server. is this a feature in the works or something that could be implemented. from the logs it looks like radicale is the backend for contacts and calendar.

Hello @applesoff :wave:
Unfortunately, the feature you’re describing is not currently being developed.


It would be super convenient to integrate an external CalDAV/CardDAV server like Radicale with Workspace Calendar. From what I know, Workspace currently focuses on its internal calendar and contacts backend.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey @boblewis :slight_smile:
Thank you for your suggestion regarding the integration of an external CalDAV/CardDAV server like Radicale with Workspace Calendar.

We will certainly consider your proposal, though we cannot promise it will be implemented.

Would it be possible to export CalDAV/CardDAV in the read-write mode? It would make a HUGE difference.

Hello @druhboruch
If you don’t mind, I will join this thread too.
Please clarify your suggestion and provide us with details about desire scenario. We already have export feature: Export calendar to devices - ONLYOFFICE
Do you mean something different?

I do not want to export or import anything. i already have loads of data in a radicale standalone server and would like a way to point onlyoffice at it, like we do for docserver, mailserver among other servers and have the data display on the in-app calendar

Hello @applesoff
My reply was addressed to another user. As for the suggestion about external Radicale usage, we don’t have any news at the moment. We will update this thread once we have something to share.