Accents are not working


I’m currently using only office in an iPad and it’s perfect, really, but I’m encountering a bug, I believe.

When I try to write é for exemple, it writes ‘é
I’m using an external keyboard and I only have this problem with only office.

Can somebody please help?

Thank you so much

Hello @Ines

Can you please record a demo video of this issue? Additionally, please specify the following:

  • version of iPadOS;
  • type of external keyboard;
  • how editors are accessed (via Mobile App, via browser, etc).

I’d really help us understand your problem in details.

Hi! Thank you for getting Back to me.

Im using the latest iOS updated, with the m2 iPad Air (2024)
Im using Apple Magic Keyboard
Im using the onlyoffice latest app for iOS

Im attaching a vídeo of me writing in onlyoffice as well as me writing on iOS notes app.

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much for sharing videos. We will take closer look at them and all provided information. I will keep you posted on the news.

Hello again @Ines

Unfortunately, we have found out that this behavior is a bug. We are already working on the solution to it, so I will inform you once it is resolved.

Please accept our apologies for inconvenience.

Thank you So much for getting Back to me.

Please try to fix it, im really loving your app and costumer service.

Thank you for everything so far.

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We are already working on this issue, I will notify you once it is resolved and new version with fixed is officially released.

hi! I have the same problem on a Acer Chromebook plus 514. Did you solve the issue?!

Hello @santanatalita

This topic is related to the iOS devices. As I can also see, you have created several topics already on this problem. Please do not create duplicate posts with the same issue.