About config.document.url

in the api document,the config.document.url is: https://example.com/url-to-example-document.xlsx
Defines the absolute URL where the source viewed or edited document is stored.

If this URL can only use absolute addresses, then it means that the file must be accessible via the URL. Therefore, anyone who knows this address can access it. If I do not want to expose the file on the internet, then there won’t be an absolute address. How can this be resolved?

Hello @langziyang

In general, this is mostly related to your storage application with which Document Server is integrated. Document Server only requires absolute URL which can be accessed by it.

For instance, if your application has authentication, then if link is exposed to the Internet, it will require authentication for all users to access the file.

Another solution is to put Document Server behind proxy. See some scenarios in this documentation:

IP filtering also a useful tool for such case. This mechanism is supported by Document Server, but as an independent integrator you can also develop similar feature for your storage application.