8.2 slower than 8.1 to open files


I don’t have the opportunity to make measures, but since I installed v82 of the DE, I have the impression that opening a file takes way more time than before.
My perception was that OO took around 3s to open a ~10xMo pptx file. Now, it’s more 10s.

Am I the only one ?

@OO staf, any figures to share to back / to dispute my impression ?


Hello @arcqus
Did you test the same file?
Right now I suggest waiting for the release of the Desktop version v.8.2.1 and double-check the situation. We are going to release it shortly.

Hi @Alexandre
Yes, it was with the same files.
It is a feeling and I still have it, but it is just a feeling or an issue on my computer (but I’ve not added anything recently).