Trying to install document-server on same machine as nextcloud

Hi all,

Our small company has used nextcloud on a Ubuntu vps for a month now and have been using the collabora editor which is okay but as all our clients are microsoft centric I thought it would be better to swap to onlyoffice. I’m a middle-weight sys-admin and new to docker, so need some help please creating a function/secure environment that the nextcloud app can work with.
I’ve have spent the best part of today trying to install the onlyoffice doc server on the same server as nextcloud which I manually installed (not docker).

I installed using docker, ports 8081 and 9443.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                            NAMES
84ff00d3e248   onlyoffice/documentserver   "/app/ds/run-documen…"   50 minutes ago   Up 50 minutes>80/tcp, :::8081->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::9443->443/tcp   affectionate_feistel

I can access the /welcome/ view via but not 9443 since I don’t have certs configured yet but I’d like to use certbot once its configured.

I am struggling at this point to know how to redirect (port 443) to the docs container which runs on port 9443.

After reading the /installation/docs-community-proxy.aspx page (new users can only post 2 links) I’m assuning I should be using the “Proxy HTTPS to HTTP” but if so where do I point the nginx
“root /usr/share/nginx/html;” at since its served from a docker container?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hello @brendan
Please note that we usually recommend to use separate clean server for Document server installation. It’s necessary to avoid dependency and port conflicts. But if you prefer docker installation, there’s all-in-one guide for Nextcloud+ONLYOFFICE:

As for the issue in general, if Nextcloud uses 80 port you won’t get LE certificates, since certbot uses 80 port for first validation. We discussed it earlier here:Install OnlyOffice docker with Https on a different port does not work

Do I understand you right that you have a proxy-server in front of your server?