Canvas content disappears when switching tabs

Hi everyone, I hope you can pay attention to this issue so that you don’t panic when encountering it.
:warning: Please note that this is not an issue with OnlyOffice, but rather a Chrome bug.

chrome ver : Version 124.0.6367.208 (Official Build) (arm64)

os: mac m1 pro Sonoma14.4

chrome issues:

Hello @hufei
We are checking the situation. I will update this thread once we have something to share.

Hello @hufei
We have detected a bug in the described situation and we have started working on it. Thank you for valuable data!

Hello @hufei
It seems that the situation has been resolved on the chrome v.125.

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I am now on Chrome version 125.0.6422.61 (Official Build) (arm64), and the issue still hasn’t been resolved. It seems that it hasn’t been fixed on Mac yet.

May I ask if you plan to make it compatible with this Chrome production bug?

hi , @Alexandre

We have rolled out 125.0.6422.76/.77 to Stable which has the feature disabled, request users who are impacted please update chrome and let us know if your issue is resolved. Thank you.

I just found out there is a new update, version 125.0.6422.76/.77, which seems to have resolved the issue. That’s great!